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GoLang Packages How-To



Short and sweet tutorial on importing local packages

Create a folder, now inside of it run

go mod init mempool


mkdir -p maths/rands


touch maths/abs.go maths/rands/fermat.go run.go

you should have this

Populate your abs.go with this

package mathsimport (    "fmt")func HelloWorld() {    fmt.Println("Hello World");}

Smack this into your fermat.go

package randsimport "mempool/maths"func Main() {    maths.HelloWorld();}

finally, your run.go looks like this

package mainimport "mempool/maths/rands"func main() {    rands.Main();}

now, run go run . in the root directory. Well done!

This tutorial was written with go version go1.16.2 linux/amd64




I crave knowledge. Mathematical knowledge and then computer science.